Munters Group AB ”Munters” (MTRS)(publ) (LEI-kod:549300KYCB37YAVUV523) has pursuant to the authorization granted by the Annual General Meeting 2019 during the period 5 August until 13 August repurchased a total number of 385,000 shares (ISIN-kod: SE0009806607).


Munters Group (OM:MTRS) Munters Group shares have a market-typical stock price. These top 10 stocks are highly rated in the industry: Building Products, region Sweden. They are good alternative stock investment opportunities to consider: Large companies - similar industry as Munters Group

Get the latest Munters Group AB (MTRS) real-time quote, historical performance, charts, and other financial information to help you make more informed trading  Köp aktier i Munters Group - enkelt och billigt hos Avanza Bank. Klicka här för att se aktiekursen och köpa till marknadens lägsta courtage. Munters Group AB. kr 78.40+0.45%. Vitec Software Group AB (publ). kr 446.00+8.78%.

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ASSA-B. As of 13 August Munters has repurchased a total of 385,000 shares to an average price of SEK 40.98. The repurchase programme, which was  The formal annual report for Munters Group AB (publ), corp. reg.

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Lars Lövgren, Engineer at MittSverige Vatten said: "We saw that the cost of electricity to heat the unmanned buildings to our major reservoirs was very high, and 

Buy: 78.00 SEK. Change: 0.45 SEK (0.58%) Prices delayed by at least 15 minutes | Switch to live prices | Turn on streaming prices. Deal for just £11.95 per trade in a Stocks and Shares ISA Munters aktie.

Modern Times Group B. Munters Group. Google Finance ticker – Svenska aktier Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken s ( stock price, quote, 

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Munters Group AB: INBJUDAN TILL PRESENTATION AV MUNTERS DELÅRSRAPPORT FÖR JANUARI - MARS 2021: 09-04: Munters Group AB: KALLELSE TILL ÅRSSTÄMMA I MUNTERS GROUP AB: 09-04: Munters Group AB: NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING IN MUNTERS GROUP AB: 08-04: Munters Group AB: Peter Gisel-Ekdahl, President of Business Area AirTech, to leave Munters Latest Share Price and Events. Stable Share Price: MTRS is not significantly more volatile than the rest of Swedish stocks over the past 3 months, typically moving +/- 6% a week. Volatility Over Time: MTRS's weekly volatility (6%) has been stable over the past year. NO. OF SHARES % OF CAPITAL: FAM AB : 47,997,797: 26.0%: ODIN Funds: 15,617,971: 8.5%: First Swedish National Pension Fund: 15,515,473: 8.4%: Swedbank Robur Funds: 14,842,436: 8.0%: Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund: 9,119,469: 4.9%: Handelsbanken Funds: 7,205,635: 3.9%: Columbia Threadneedle: 6,192,943: 3.4%: C WorldWide Asset Management: 4,373,750: 2.4%: La Financière l'Echiquier: 4,255,598: 2.3% Välkommen till Munters Investor Relations.

They are good alternative stock investment opportunities to consider: Large companies - similar industry as Munters Group About Munters Group. Munters is a global leader in energy efficient air treatment and climate solutions.
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President of Volvo Buses since 2021. With Volvo since 2009. Born: 1975. Other current assignments: Board member in Munters Group AB. Principal work 

DJIA. 33,770.32. S&P 500. 4,125.99.

Share Price; $9.10 (As of Monday Closing) Munters Group AB is a provider of energy-efficient air treatment and climate control solutions primarily within the food, pharmaceutical and data center sectors. The company operates in two reportable segments that are AirTech and FoodTech.

3M. 2 Mkt Cap indicates the market value of the selected share series admitted to trading on Nasdaq Nordic. Note that the company may have other share series admitted to trading and that it may have unlisted shares. For complete information, please visit the company’s website. Show history. P/E relates the current share price with the market expectations in terms of Earnings Per Share.

MUNTERS GROUP AB B share price in real-time (A2DRVZ / SE0009806607), charts and analyses, news, key data, turnovers, company data. 2021-04-22 · Munters Group AB (MMNNF) Stock Quotes - Nasdaq offers stock quotes & market activity data for US and global markets. Munters Group AB: INBJUDAN TILL PRESENTATION AV MUNTERS DELÅRSRAPPORT FÖR JANUARI - MARS 2021: 09-04: Munters Group AB: KALLELSE TILL ÅRSSTÄMMA I MUNTERS GROUP AB: 09-04: Munters Group AB: NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING IN MUNTERS GROUP AB: 08-04: Munters Group AB: Peter Gisel-Ekdahl, President of Business Area AirTech, to leave Munters Latest Share Price and Events. Stable Share Price: MTRS is not significantly more volatile than the rest of Swedish stocks over the past 3 months, typically moving +/- 6% a week. Volatility Over Time: MTRS's weekly volatility (6%) has been stable over the past year. NO. OF SHARES % OF CAPITAL: FAM AB : 47,997,797: 26.0%: ODIN Funds: 15,617,971: 8.5%: First Swedish National Pension Fund: 15,515,473: 8.4%: Swedbank Robur Funds: 14,842,436: 8.0%: Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund: 9,119,469: 4.9%: Handelsbanken Funds: 7,205,635: 3.9%: Columbia Threadneedle: 6,192,943: 3.4%: C WorldWide Asset Management: 4,373,750: 2.4%: La Financière l'Echiquier: 4,255,598: 2.3% Välkommen till Munters Investor Relations. På dessa sidor återfinns information om Munters ställning, verksamhet och utveckling tillsammans med historiskt publicerade rapporter och presentationer.