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TICTALES is a free publishing gaming platform for "visual novel" type games;. These video games which may also be qualified as visual novels, or even « multimedia books » will lead you to embark on many stories in which you are the hero.
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Tictales - Stories, Paris. 290,511 likes. You will be gripped by passion and fall in love. You will fear for your life when trapped in a dangerous situation. The suspense you feel will be so great
These video games which may also be qualified as visual novels, or even « multimedia books » will lead you to embark on many stories in which you are the hero. Tictales - Stories is on Facebook. To connect with Tictales - Stories, join Facebook today.
ARE YOU READY? As an air hostess for a big airline company, recently engaged to handsome Patrick, you still wonder if you are ready to settle down with him Tictales. 11K likes.