The European Venture Capital Fund Regulation (EuVECA) came into effect on 22 July 2013 to complement and coincide with the implementation of the AIFMD. As the EuVECA is a Regulation (and not a Directive) it does not need to be transposed into national law and so it has immediate effect in all Member States.


Jul 12, 2019 It will apply as from that date to cross-border distribution of UCITS, AIFs, EuSEF and EuVECA. The main changes to the UCITSD and AIFMD are 

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Euveca regulation

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22European VentureCapital Funds (EuVECA). (EuSEF) och 345/2013 om europeiska riskkapitalfonder (EuVECA). 58 Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council establishing  most appropriate manner in which to amend Regulation (EC) No 1185/2003. the designation 'EuVECA' to other Union programmes, such as Horizon 2020,  This Regulation lays down uniform requirements and conditions for managers of collective investment undertakings that wish to use the designation ‘EuVECA’ in relation to the marketing of qualifying venture capital funds in the Union, thereby contributing to the smooth functioning of the internal market. The European Venture Capital Fund (EuVECA) Regulation offers a voluntary EU-wide marketing passport to qualifying fund managers, while sparing them the costs associated with authorisation and compliance with the AIFMD, such as the requirement to appoint a depositary. While developed originally to facilitate cross-border fundraising by small venture capital managers, the EuVECA label has been available to fund managers of all sizes, including AIFMD-authorised private equity fund managers Regulation on European venture capital funds (EuVECA) Regulation: EU 345/2013.

Regulations adopted.

This note provides an overview of the European Venture Capital Funds Regulation (Regulation 345/2013) (EuVECA Regulation).

Own funds shall at all times amount to at least one eighth of the fixed overheads incurred by the manager in the preceding year. Other conditions also apply for both types of fund. Regulation (EU) 2019/1156 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on facilitating cross-border distribution of collective investment undertakings and amending Regulations (EU) No 345/2013, (EU) No 346/2013 and (EU) No 1286/2014 (Text with EEA relevance) Regulation (EU) 2019/1156.

av FS Authority · 2018 — 17MiFIR = Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation, förordningen om marknader för finansiella instrument. 22European VentureCapital Funds (EuVECA).

In order to benefit from the advantages attached to the registration as European Venture Capital Fund (“EuVECA”) manager and the EuVECA fund label, Alternative Investment Fund Managers (“AIFMs”) and the venture capital funds they manage must comply with the specific requirements laid down by the Regulation (EU) No 345/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2013 on European venture capital funds (“EuVECA Regulation”).

To view all submitted comments visit  Technical Regulations of the Customs Union and the Eaurasian Economic Union - TR CU und TR EAEU for the EAC Certificate and EAC Declaration. minimum requirements of the technical regulation in Russia and the EAEU. Russian Federation and especially by the following regulations and decisions:. Jun 19, 2020 Tobacco Products Directive, LVD, EMC Directive, lab testing and other requirements when importing E-cigarettes to the European Union.
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These amendments to the EUVECA regulation were published last week in the EU Official Journal, and will have direct effect in all member states as of 1 March 2018. It is worthwhile for any fund manager considering a venture or small cap fund to look more closely at EUVECA, given the potential benefits when compared to a fully AIFMD compliant offering. ESMA makes available two databases of managers of European Venture Capital Funds (EuVECA) registered in the Member States of the European Union (EU), as required by Article 17 of the EU Regulation N. 345/2013, of 17 April 2013, on European Venture Capital Funds (the EuVECA Regulation), and managers of Social Entrepreneurship Funds (EuSEF) registered in the Member States of the EU, as required On July 22nd 2013, coinciding with the effective date of the AIFMD, and following the Luxembourg implementation of the AIFM Law, Regulation No 345/2013 of April 17th 2013 on European venture capital funds (EuVECA) and Regulation No 346/2013 of April 17th 2013 on European social entrepreneurship funds (EuSEF) entered into force. EUVECA.

ESMA Q&A on application of EuSEF and EuVECA Regulations By Simon Lovegrove (UK) on March 27, 2014 Posted in Collective investment schemes, United Kingdom The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published a questions and answers paper (Q&A), on the application of the European Social Entrepreneurship Funds (EuSEF) Regulation and the European Venture Capital Funds Regulation EuVECA and 17 of the EuSEF Regulations 4. In addition, since December 2013 ESMA’s website hosts the Central Databases of registered EuVECA and EuSEF managers, as required in Articles 17 of the EuVECA Regulation and 18 of the EuSEF Regulation 5. 1.3 Request for advice 8.
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EuVECA Regulation. 2.1 Small registered UK AIFM: If you are a small registered UK AIFM you should complete the ‘EuSEF & EuVECA’ tab on the ‘Schedule of AIFs’ for small registered UK AIFMs with details of all new or amended AIFs being notified.

including European venture capital funds (EuVECA) as defined in Regulation (EU) No 345/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (4), European social entrepreneurship funds (EuSEF) as defined in Regulation (EU) No 346/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (5), and European Long-Ter m 1.

(2) For the purposes of these Regulations, “the EuVECA Regulation” means Regulation (EU) No 345/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council of 17 April 2013 on European venture capital funds, as it forms part of domestic law and as modified by domestic law from time to time.

Regulation No. 345/2013 on European Venture Capital Funds (EuVECA) and Regulation 346/2013 on European Social Entrepreneurship Funds (EuSEF) became applicable on July 22 nd 2013 (see our newsletter of June 2013). These amendments to the EUVECA regulation were published last week in the EU Official Journal, and will have direct effect in all member states as of 1 March 2018. It is worthwhile for any fund manager considering a venture or small cap fund to look more closely at EUVECA, given the potential benefits when compared to a fully AIFMD compliant offering. ESMA makes available two databases of managers of European Venture Capital Funds (EuVECA) registered in the Member States of the European Union (EU), as required by Article 17 of the EU Regulation N. 345/2013, of 17 April 2013, on European Venture Capital Funds (the EuVECA Regulation), and managers of Social Entrepreneurship Funds (EuSEF) registered in the Member States of the EU, as required On July 22nd 2013, coinciding with the effective date of the AIFMD, and following the Luxembourg implementation of the AIFM Law, Regulation No 345/2013 of April 17th 2013 on European venture capital funds (EuVECA) and Regulation No 346/2013 of April 17th 2013 on European social entrepreneurship funds (EuSEF) entered into force. EUVECA. Voor venture capital en groeikapitaalfondsen onder het AIFM-lightregime bestaat er de mogelijkheid een EuVECA (European Venture Capital) label aan te vragen. Met dit label is het wél mogelijk een Europees paspoort te krijgen.

TIllåta investeringar från vissa investerare med  of a qualifying venture capital fund continues to comply with this Regulation Notification of registration of a European venture capital fund (EuVECA)  Directive 10 Ändringar i förordningarna om europeiska riskkapitalfonder och europeiska fonder för socialt företagande (EuVECA/EuSEF) European Venture  EuVECA- och EuSEF-förordningarna, som det har varit frivilligt för (”Strengthening Oversight and Regulation of Shadow Banking”) där  vision that the rules be supplemented with the necessary amendments to the tax som tillståndspliktiga fonder enligt EuVECA-förordningen – inte är högre ställt  förordning om penningmarknadsfonder (Money Market Funds Regulation, MMFR). (EuSEF) och 345/2013 om europeiska riskkapitalfonder (EuVECA). document Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the. Council on the ”EuVECA” respektive en ”EuSEF”. Registreringen  riskkapitalfond (EuVECA), förvaltare av en godkänd fond för socialt document Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of  In fact, evidence shows that regulation in a particular branch can actually boost tillväxtpotentialen och innovationskraften i EuVECA- och EuSEF-sektorerna. the requirements of this Regulation as amended by the 05 series of amendments.