CA IPCC IT Revision Video Lectures with Chart Books (1.5 Times) by CA Swapnil Patni (Download, 6 Months) Description: Study Material Includes: IT Chart Book


Hello Friends,Since there is no amendment for Nov 20 attempt, same lecture is applicable for Nov 20 attemptThis will help you to revise entire syllabus on sh

If you have Telegram, you can view and join Swapnil Patni classes right away. So after ISCA Amendment charts and Law notes and charts by Swapnil Patni sir, here is another valuable content from him which is CA Final Corporate Law Full revision in 90 Minutes, CA Final corporate law covers 70 marks in CA Final and this video in which CA Final Corporate Law Full revision in 90 Minutes will be done specially for your upcoming CA Final Exams. EIS Revision Book/Notes/Charts. EIS Revision Capsule by ICAI; EIS Revision Notes by JK Shah Classes; EIS Revision Charts by CA Swapnil Patni Sir; EIS Memory Techniques Hello Friends,Now SPC is also available on telegram for all updates.Link - Lecture: Chapter: CA IPCC IT Revision for Ma CA IPCC IT Revision and Charts by Swapnil Patni. Search iCity.

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YOU CAN REVISE almost entire syllabus in just 3 hours De senaste tweetarna från @swapnil_patni Hello Friends,Now SPC is also available on telegram for all updates.Link - are our Official Website link to buy Our Prod Swapnil Patni classes. 87 818 subscribers. View in Telegram. Preview channel. If you have Telegram, you can view and join Swapnil Patni classes right away. CA Final Corporate Law Full revision in 90 Minutes by Swapnil Patni.

… Swapnil Patni ITSM Revision Video Lectures (USB) and Books.

So we found CA Swapnil Patni Notes for you to easily pass this paper in the November 2017 exams. CA Swapnil Patni is a very famous Teacher who has started his Teaching Career just 5-6 years ago. Many Rank holders are one of the students of this teacher. So here is the direct download link for CA IPCC IT Notes by CA Swapnil Patni. Contents of

Contents of Welcome to Swapnil Patni's Youtube Channel. All Videos Created by Prasad Butale Our motto is "You Don't Need to study at home".

CA Foundatin Law Revision by CA Ankita Patni | #LawMarathon. Dear Students, This video contains the Revision of Partnership Act, companies Act, LLP Act, 

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EIS & SM Revision (with Rocks) By CA Swapnil Patni.
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EIS Revision Book/Notes/Charts. EIS Revision Capsule by ICAI; EIS Revision Notes by JK Shah Classes; EIS Revision Charts by CA Swapnil Patni Sir; EIS Memory Techniques

CA Swapnil Patni is a very famous Teacher who has started his Teaching Career just 5-6 years ago. Many Rank holders are one of the students of this teacher. So here is the direct download link for CA IPCC IT Notes by CA Swapnil Patni. Contents of Swapnil Patni Classes in Pune, Downloads. Sr.No Course Subject File Name Download; 1: CA FINAL NEW SYLLABUS: Corporate and Economic Laws Swapnil Patni Classes in Pune, Downloads.

CA Final ISCA 14 Days Revision Video Lectures (1.5 Times) by CA Swapnil Patni (USB, 6 Months) Description: Study Material Includes: Main Book, Question Bank, Summary Book, Concept Book

CA Swapnil Patni Video Classes and Books : CA Swapnil Patni taught more than 8000 students in a very short span of 5 years. It’s not only conceptual clarity but Concept plus Cumulative Revision to Remember the subject. CA Swapnil Patni. CA Swapnil Patni is the most popular faculty of India for EIS-SM, Final Law, and ISCA. Having a presence in 160 Cities of INDIA through Virtual & Live Classes. He is teaching maximum no of Students of India for EIS-SM & Final LAW. He is Mentor of 130 AIR Including AIR 1.

Students taking CA Final exams or students preparing for ISCA will find the file very useful. CA Swapnil Patni is one of the most popular faculties of India for Final Law, EIS-SM and ISCA. He is teaching maximum no of Students of India for EIS-SM & Final LAW. Zeroinfy is providing video lectures of the faculty on the best price.